Otology and Neurotology
Otology and neurotology are subspecialties of ENT related to problems and conditions of the ear and lateral skull base (the side of the head). Patients seeking an otologist or neurotologist often complain of hearing loss, vertigo, dizziness and balance issues, ear drainage, ear pain, ear fullness, ear fluttering, and hyperacusis (hearing too well). These conditions are often managed using a combination of medical therapy and surgery.
What is Vertigo vs Disequilibrium?
Vertigo is the sensation of spinning that a patient can feel. The feeling can recur and can last seconds, minutes or hours depending on the cause. Vertigo can also be associated with other symptoms such as hearing loss and ear fullness. There are multiple causes of vertigo, which include benign positional paroxysmal vertigo, Meniere’s disease, vestibular neuronitis and labyrinthitis, superior semicircular canal dehiscence, and vestibular masses and tumors.